Yes Manga Is Literature

Hello again my name is Sergio Mendoza and I love reading manga more than other books because its just simply the best why? Because it is that’s why just imagine another world where things are more interesting in every aspect of life and imagine it was just a few feet away. This is what reading manga is like there is no greater feeling better than it or maybe there is like when you find a great anime show but I digress. Manga is real literature just because it happens to be illustrated doesn’t mean anything. A great book should have a plot, main/side characters, a setting, theme, main idea, and a conflict/resolution. manga has everyone of these literary elements. These arent just short stories that have no meaning no they are real works of art that can change your life. The only thing is that you are stopping yourself from giving a try because of the fear that others will outcast you but don’t for you will see the beautiful world that they can’t see.